Pay It Forward Book Exchange

As promised, I’m clearing out my bookshelves in a giving mood right now, so hard on the heels of last week’s (won by Kim, who only wanted one book, and Violeta), I’m running another Pay It Forward Book Exchange. This week I’ve got two novels: Andrea Barrett’s moving Secret Harmonies and Philippa Gregory’s The Other Boleyn Girl (coming soon to a movie theater near you).

Here are the rules, as created by Overwhelmed with Joy:

“1) Once a month (or so) I’ll pick a book to give away to one lucky reader (you don’t have to have a blog to enter). It may be a book that I’ve purchased new or used, or it may be a book that someone has shared with me that I really like. It’ll probably be a paperback, just to make things easier, but no guarantees.

2) Details on how you can enter to win will be listed below.

3) If you’re the lucky winner of the book giveaway I ask that you, in turn, host a drawing to give that book away for free to one of your readers, after you’ve had a chance to read it (let’s say, within a month after you’ve received the book), or donate it to your local library or shelter. If you mail the book out using the media/book rate that the post office offers it’s pretty inexpensive.

4) If you’re really motivated and want to host your own “Pay It Forward” giveaway at any time, feel free to grab the button above to use on your own blog. Just let her know so she can publish a post plugging your giveaway and directing readers your way!

So there you have it, the Pay It Forward Book Exchange, designed to encourage people to read, to share good books, to possibly get you out of your reading comfort zone, and to get fun stuff in the mail instead of just bills!”

Post a comment telling me you want to enter by Wednesday, and I’ll announce the winners as soon as I remember to.


  1. Elrena says:

    Sure, sign me up. 🙂

    (I think you should have a First Commenter prize, too….)

  2. Leightongirl says:

    Well,I’m a huge Andrea Barrett fan and yet I have not hear of this one. Count me in!

  3. Swapna says:

    Please count me in!

    skrishna1183 [at]