How to Celebrate Your Book’s Publication, Day One

Courtesy of Tony, without whom the book really wouldn’t exist anyway.


  1. Maria says:

    Hooray! Congratulations!

  2. Elrena says:

    Wow, matching champagne flutes, I’m impressed. We had two pairs of champagne flutes from our wedding, and Bill broke one from each set!

    Not on purpose, though…

  3. Caroline says:

    The champagne flutes are el-cheapo from Ikea; I think they’re something like $5/dozen!

  4. Violeta says:

    Congratulations!! I can’t wait to read the book! Enjoy the celebrating.

  5. Stacey says:

    How exciting!! Congratulations!

  6. Leightongirl says:

    Beautiful. Here’s to you and your gang. Congrats on what I’m sure is a great book.

  7. Mary Ruth says:

    So exciting! It arrived in my mailbox yesterday, and I’m already half-way through it. Excellent!