An Early Review!

Mama, PhD has received its first review, and I couldn’t be prouder. Robert Drago, author of Striking a Balance: Work, Family, Life (Dollars & Sense, 2007) says, “Through the voices of those who have weathered the storm, Mama PhD fills a crucial gap in our understanding of why gender equity has been so difficult to achieve in academe. More importantly, it provides invaluable lessons for young scholars — both men and women — striving to navigate family and academic careers.”


  1. Violeta says:

    Ooh, so exciting! What a great (and fitting) review.

  2. stacey says:

    Yeah Caroline! You must be so excited. I’m sure you have said, but when will the book be published?

  3. Libby says:

    great news, Caroline!

  4. Caroline says:

    The book’s coming out (tentatively) in late summer 2008; I’ll let you all know when you can preorder!